These pages offer information about open research, development and innovation (RDI) and the library RDI support services at Metropolia. The elements of open RDI include a culture of open scholarship, open access to publications, data and methods, as well as open education.
In addition to supporting research data management and publications, the library provides projects with reliable sources of information, support for literature searching, and information retrieval services.
Metropolia’s objective is to make a stronger impact for the benefit of society. A culture of openness plays a key role in achieving impact, as it guarantees that information produced at Metropolia receives visibility and our competence is communicated effectively. In order to achieve this objective, the methods, materials, products and results of our RDI activities must be as widely accessible and usable as possible.
The culture of open scholarship at universities of applied sciences is described with the concept of open RDI. Universities and other research institutions use the concept of open science and research.
Our open RDI includes the following:
Metropolia is committed to the Declaration for Open Science and Research.
All stages of an open RDI process can promote openness:
Source: Päällysaho, S. & Latvanen, J.: Avoimen TKI-toiminnan prosessimalli (2017)
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