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Library Support Services for RDI


Data and project ideation

It is advisable to incorporate data management already in the RDI project ideation phase. When considering the goals of the project, and actions to achieve these goals, you can same time contemplate the types of data that will result from these actions. For example, if the goal is to enhance the digital expertise of local SMEs, and the actions involve expertise mapping, a workshop series, and an online course, various data will be required for and generated from these activities.

In data management during the ideation phase, it is worthwhile to consider:

  • the methods or actions by which the goal will be achieved,
  • what data will result from the project's actions,
  • whether the data may contain personal information or sensitive data,
  • whether the data is created from the outset in a way that allows it to be opened for reuse.

As a tool for data management during the ideation phase, you can utilize a simple ideation template.

The choice of method is crucial for materials since the method determines how the data is acquired and analysed. Tips for selecting a method:


Data Management and Openness in Funding Application

During the funding application phase, the project plan is further developed, and a budget, along with the required documents for funding application, is prepared. Some funders require an initial data management plan when applying for funding, while others do not.

In the data management during the funding application phase, it is advisable to consider:

  • how data management and open RDI are reflected in the application text. Even if the funder does not explicitly require a data management plan or openness of data, showcasing expertise in these areas demonstrates responsibility and may enhance the chances of securing funding.
  • the budgeting of costs for data management and openness. Both require at least work-hour resources, but additionally, there may be a need for equipment, storage space, software or applications, paid data, purchased services, or expert assistance.

You can use the Data Management Cost Assessment Tool to evaluate the costs associated with data management in your project.

Understanding the societal significance of open RDI activities can be demonstrated in the application by:

  • viewing data as an independent outcome that can be shared and utilized elsewhere.
  • considering the perspective of sustainable development: open RDI activities support equality, fairness, and democracy by enabling the broad dissemination and utilization of research and development results produced with public funding.
  • presenting concrete outputs that are opened: data, educational materials, publications, methods.

Some funders may require a preliminary data management plan as part of the application text. Usually, the initial plan is brief and concise, and the actual plan needs to be submitted later when the project has received funding.

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