E-books are provided to Metropolia Library by several e-book services. You can search for e-books on MetCat Finna or browse individual e-book platforms. Some useful e-book services available for Metropolia students and staff are listed here:
E-books covering areas e.g. business & economics, computers & IT, engineering & technology, medical, nursing & allied health, psychology & social work, sociology & anthropology, humanities.
When signing in, some personal data (e.g. name, email address) is transferred to the service provider.
Read more about Ebook Central
Lue lisää Ebook Central -palvelusta
Subject areas include: behavioral sciences, business and economics, chemistry and material science, education, engineering, humanities, medicine, social sciences and law, professional and applied computing. Links to Springer e-books can be found in MetCat Finna.
E-books from more than 250 publishers - also includes audiobooks, videos, courses and case studies.
If the physical book you are looking for is not available in 3AMK libraries, try other local libraries. Finnish libraries are open and free for everyone.
You can also use Finna.fi which is a joint search for collections of all Finnish libraries, museums and archives.
Finna.fi sisältää sekä viitetietoa että kokotekstiä verkossa.
Sisältää kaikkien kotimaisten yliopistojen ja ammattikorkeakoulujen kirjastojen kokoelmat ml. opinnäytetyöt sekä Arto-palvelun artikkeliviitteet.
Search and preview millions of books from libraries and publishers worldwide using Google Book Search.
Books not available in 3AMK libraries can be ordered for interlibrary loan from other libraries, provided they are not available in the metropolitan area.
We also welcome acquisition proposals which can be sent via email (library@metropolia.fi).
Metropolia Library and Information Services | Accessibility Statement