Some databases contain links to full text articles available in electronic format.
If the full text article is not available in a specific database, you can check its online availability by using the SFX-link.
If an article is not available in the database you are using, or if you are trying to locate a specific article, check its availability on Google, MetCat Finna and Helka.
Google is useful when locating open access (i.e. free) articles and journals. You can also sign into Google Scholar (using this link) with Metropolia username, which will give you access to many journals subscribed by Metropolia library.
MetCat will show if the journal is available (either in print or online as an e-journal).
If the journal is not available in MetCat, check the availability of the journal in e.g. Helka (Helsinki university library resources). If the journal is available, articles can be accessed by visiting the university library.
Give them the specific article reference and let them know where you have already searched.
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