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SFS Online

Finnish Standards Association SFS online library. MetCat Finna does not contain links to individual standards, search SFS Online to read the required standards.

Select the link below based on whether you are on campus (Metropolia network) or at home (remote access).

You have wide access to SFS standards, as the library subscribes to all SFS product groups.

  • English language electrotechnical SFS-EN standards are not included in the subscription.
  • You can also read ISO and IEC standards included in these groups when they have been adopted as SFS standards (for example SFS-EN ISO 9001). In addition, some individual ISO and IEC standards are also available.

Read and Download

Standards in SFS Online are PDF-files. Use Adobe Acrobat Reader to download and read standards.


You may print or save parts of the standard for the purposes of study, teaching and research. Printed or saved copies may not be distributed, check “Licence” below for the complete terms of use.

SFS library

If a required SFS standard is not available on SFS Online, you can go and read it at the SFS library. Arrange your visit in advance by contacting the SFS library.


For Metropolia students and staff.

Standards are watermarked with the name of the university they are licensed to. Standards are protected by copyright and may only be used for activities internal to the university. Standards or copies of them may not be sent or distributed outside Metropolia.

Also read the instructions on SFS Online as well as the full terms of use:

SFS Online also includes individual ISO and IEC standards (these have max. 36 simultaneous users). Students are not allowed to print or save ISO and IEC standards.

Using standards in teaching

Entire standards may not be copied or distributed to students. Instruct students to read the required standards on SFS Online.

Members of staff can incorporate portions of standards in printed or electronic course packs.

Check “Licence” above for the complete terms of use.

Commercial use (e.g. tailor-made training, corporate collaboration, continuing education) of SFS Online standards is prohibited. You will need to purchase the required standards for such commercial courses directly from SFS.

Metropolia Library and Information Services | Accessibility Statement