A multidisciplinary collection of e-books (mainly in Finnish). E-books can be found via MetCat Finna or or you can browse Ellibs.
Lue selaimessa, lataa koneelle, tai käytä mobiilisovellusta. Laina-aika 1 tai 7 päivää. Kirjautuessa palveluntarjoajalle siirtyy henkilötietoja (Haka-tunnus).
You can read some of the e-books online in a browser. If reading online is not available, you can either download the e-book or read it in Ellibs app.
E-books can be downloaded onto a computer. Required reader: Adobe Digital Editions or Thorium Reader.
If you have problems with downloading books, see instructions in Ellibs.
You can read Ellibs e-books using the Ellibs App. Download the app from App Store or Google Play.
Choose Metropolia as your library. Login to the app with Metropolia User ID (Haka login).
If all copies of an e-book are on loan, you can make a reservation. Once the reservation is available to loan, you will receive an email notification. If you use the Ellibs App, you can also activate notifications for reservations.
For Metropolia students and staff. Log in with Metropolia username and password (Haka login).
No access to e-books for walk-in users.
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