The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) regulates the processing of personal data also in theses.
The research data itself may contain personal data, but personal data may also be in the documents required for the collection of the data, such as the consent forms of the subject. Personal data can also be generated from a survey intended to be anonymous, if the survey is carried out with an online form that saves, for example, the respondent's IP address, or if the survey has open-answer options.
The student has an obligation to take care of data protection when doing the thesis. The thesis supervisor's duty is to advise the student on data protection issues.
Personal data is any information that can be used to directly or indirectly identify an individual. Research data may also contain identifying information about the research subjects' close contacts or other individuals.
Direct personal data includes a person's full name, personal identification number, and various biometric identifiers such as fingerprints, facial images, voice, and hand-drawn signatures.
Strong indirect identifiers are individual pieces of information that can reasonably be used to identify a person. Examples include address, phone number, rare occupational title, rare disease, and unique identifiers such as computer IP address, student ID, or account number.
Indirect identifiers are all the pieces of information that, when combined, can identify an individual. These may include gender, age, place of residence, occupational title, household composition, income, marital status, language, nationality, ethnic background, workplace, or school. When the target group of the research is already limited and reasonably small, combining indirect background information can reasonably identify individuals.
Source: Finnish Social Science Data Archive
Sensitive personal data refers to special categories of personal data as defined by the General Data Protection Regulation. These categories include information that reveals a person's:
Sensitive data must be treated with special care as their processing can pose risks to fundamental rights of individuals. Therefore, their processing is generally prohibited. However, there are exceptions to this prohibition, and one of them is the explicit consent of the individual for the processing of such sensitive personal data.
Storing data containing sensitive personal information in cloud services is prohibited at Metropolia.
The principle of data minimisation in the collection of personal data means avoiding the collection of unnecessary personal data. This principle should be followed already in the planning phase of your thesis research.
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