Find information on where to search for UAS, master’s, doctoral and other theses (mainly Finnish resources).
Be careful when citing theses since their quality can vary. However, theses can be useful in providing an example of what kind of research has been done on your subject. Also, bibliographies can provide useful tips on other relevant research. Thus, theses can be a good starting point for your search.
Theseus gives you online access to theses and publications from Finnish universities of applied sciences.
Metropolia theses can also be found via MetCat Finna.
Metropolian kirjaston kokoelmat sekä e-aineistot.
Metropolia library collections and e-resources.
Find more information on submitting your thesis and converting it to a pdf-file.
You can use to locate Finnish theses. Universities also have digital archives of their publications, some examples below:
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