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Suosittelemme MetCat Finnan Kansainvälisten e-aineistojen hakua. Se etsii artikkeleita useammista e-artikkelipalveluista yhtäaikaa.
Ohjeita oikeinkirjoituksesta, lauseiden muodostamisesta ja hyvän tekstin ominaisuuksista, käsitellään sanastokysymyksiä ja ajankohtaisia kielenkäytön ilmiöitä.
MOT Kielipalvelussa on käytössä kaikki sanakirjat (yleiskieli + erikoisalat), MOT Kielitoimiston sanakirja, MOT Kääntäjä ja MOT Kielentarkastaja, Oxford University Pressin sanakirjat.
MOT Kielipalvelu includes dictionaries as well as machine translation and proofreading tools.
Includes statistics, consumer surveys, industry studies, market analyses and forecasts, demographic trends, and much more. Includes Statista Consumer Insights (Global Consumer Survey) for in-depth analysis of consumer behaviour.
Includes scholarly literature (articles, theses, books, abstracts, etc.) across a wide variety of disciplines and sources, for example academic publishers, professional societies, and online repositories.
The ACM Digital Library is a research, discovery and networking platform containing:
Access to publications from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE): journals, magazines, conferences and published standards.
International Index to Music Periodicals (IIMP) is the leading specialised index to music periodicals. Indexed titles cover both scholarly and popular periodicals in the areas of classical music, opera, jazz, popular music and pop culture, music education, musicology and music theory amongst others. Includes full text for around 140 journals.
E-books from more than 250 publishers - also includes audiobooks, videos, courses and case studies.
Includes Grove Music Online, the world’s premier online music encyclopedia, as well as The Oxford Dictionary of Music and The Oxford Companion to Music.
International Index to Performing Arts (IIPA) database contains full text journals, and indexing and abstracts. Key subject areas are theater, dance, film, television, stagecraft, musical theater, performance art, pantomime and opera.
Search all ProQuest databases simultaneously: ProQuest Central (multidisciplinary, includes ABI/INFORM), Music Periodicals Database, Performing Arts Periodicals Database, Ebook Central.
Includes over 900 journals which cover e.g. healthcare, medicine, social sciences, business and management, life and biomedical sciences, education, and engineering.
Valitse palvelun etusivulta yläpalkista Selailu.
Severissä olevien dokumenttien mahdolliset aiemmat versiot löytyvät avatun dokumentin tiedoista, Toiminnot-valikosta.
Access to Taylor & Francis Social Science & Humanities Library (SSH).
Includes approx. 1500 full text journals which cover healthcare, medical and physical sciences, technology, social sciences and the humanities. E-books not available.
Access to journals and articles published between 1996-2023. Agreement with ACS not renewed starting from 2024.
More information on FinELib pages.
ACS Publications (American Chemical Society) provides access to a comprehensive collection of the most cited peer-reviewed journals in the chemical and related sciences. In addition, the ACS also publishes a weekly newsmagazine, Chemical & Engineering News.
Search all ProQuest databases simultaneously: ProQuest Central (multidisciplinary, includes ABI/INFORM), Music Periodicals Database, Performing Arts Periodicals Database, Ebook Central.
Information source from the fields of medicine, natural sciences, engineering, economics, environmental science, arts, humanities and social sciences. Includes reference information and e-journals.
Access to Taylor & Francis Social Science & Humanities Library (SSH).
Includes approx. 1500 full text journals which cover healthcare, medical and physical sciences, technology, social sciences and the humanities. E-books not available.
The ACM Digital Library is a research, discovery and networking platform containing:
The service contains also company profiles from Datamonitor.
HBR is licensed for private individual use only. Direct links to HBR articles as assigned course material are not allowed.
International Index to Music Periodicals (IIMP) is the leading specialised index to music periodicals. Indexed titles cover both scholarly and popular periodicals in the areas of classical music, opera, jazz, popular music and pop culture, music education, musicology and music theory amongst others. Includes full text for around 140 journals.
E-books from more than 250 publishers - also includes audiobooks, videos, courses and case studies.
International Index to Performing Arts (IIPA) database contains full text journals, and indexing and abstracts. Key subject areas are theater, dance, film, television, stagecraft, musical theater, performance art, pantomime and opera.
Search all ProQuest databases simultaneously: ProQuest Central (multidisciplinary, includes ABI/INFORM), Music Periodicals Database, Performing Arts Periodicals Database, Ebook Central.
Access to Taylor & Francis Social Science & Humanities Library (SSH).
Includes approx. 1500 full text journals which cover healthcare, medical and physical sciences, technology, social sciences and the humanities. E-books not available.
The ACM Digital Library is a research, discovery and networking platform containing:
Hakuteos sisältää jatkuvasti päivitettävän voimassa olevan lainsäädännön, Euroopan unionin lainsäädäntöä, valtiosopimuksia, oikeuskäytäntöä, juridiset lehdet, juridisen uutispalvelun sekä hallituksen esitykset. Tietopalvelussa on mukana myös asiantuntijoiden kirjoittamia artikkeleita ja katsauksia.
E-books from more than 250 publishers - also includes audiobooks, videos, courses and case studies.
Search all ProQuest databases simultaneously: ProQuest Central (multidisciplinary, includes ABI/INFORM), Music Periodicals Database, Performing Arts Periodicals Database, Ebook Central.
Ajankohtaiset rakennusalan säännökset, ohjeet ja tuotetiedot.
E-articles from Sage.
Includes over 900 journals which cover e.g. healthcare, medicine, social sciences, business and management, life and biomedical sciences, education, and engineering.
Access to Taylor & Francis Social Science & Humanities Library (SSH).
Includes approx. 1500 full text journals which cover healthcare, medical and physical sciences, technology, social sciences and the humanities. E-books not available.
Includes: Accurate trend forecasting, CAD design, Insightful trend analysis, Design and fashion guidance, Global fashion expertise, and Constant information.
When using WGSN, your name and e-mail address will be transferred to WGSN.
Restrictions on use:
- Only internal use in Metropolia, with Metropolia user id, is allowed.
- It is not allowed to share any WGSN content outside Metropolia, for example in social media or in your thesis.
- Commercial use is forbidden.
- In case the terms and conditions are violated, liability for damages applies.
Kaikki kirjaston tarjoamat e-aineistot yhdellä listalla.
E-books covering areas e.g. business & economics, computers & IT, engineering & technology, medical, nursing & allied health, psychology & social work, sociology & anthropology, humanities.
When signing in, some personal data (e.g. name, email address) is transferred to the service provider.
E-books from more than 250 publishers - also includes audiobooks, videos, courses and case studies.
Subject areas include: behavioral sciences, business and economics, chemistry and material science, education, engineering, humanities, medicine, social sciences and law, professional and applied computing. Links to Springer e-books can be found in MetCat Finna.
Aihealueina johtaminen, liiketoiminnan kehittäminen, sijoittaminen ja itsensä kehittäminen.
Suomenkielisiä e-kirjoja mm. juridiikan, verotuksen, taloushallinnon ja esimiestyön aloilta. Sisältää myös Päivittyvät hakuteokset (ent. Alma Talent Fokus). Kaikki e-kirjat eivät ole käytössä, ja ne näkyvät palvelussa harmaana.
Lue selaimessa, lataa koneelle, tai käytä mobiilisovellusta. Laina-aika 1 tai 7 päivää. Kirjautuessa palveluntarjoajalle siirtyy henkilötietoja (Haka-tunnus).
Useimmat lehtiartikkelit löytyvät myös MetCat Finnasta Kansainvälisten e-aineistoje hausta
Hae Ebsco-aineistot Ebscon tietokannoista.
The ACM Digital Library is a research, discovery and networking platform containing:
The service contains also company profiles from Datamonitor.
HBR is licensed for private individual use only. Direct links to HBR articles as assigned course material are not allowed.
Platform which includes databases such as Business Source Elite (BSE), CINAHL, MEDLINE, GreenFILE, ERIC, Regional Business News & Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts.
Articles cover areas: management, strategy, leadership, marketing, human resources management, engineering, technology, etc.
Access to publications from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE): journals, magazines, conferences and published standards.
International Index to Music Periodicals (IIMP) is the leading specialised index to music periodicals. Indexed titles cover both scholarly and popular periodicals in the areas of classical music, opera, jazz, popular music and pop culture, music education, musicology and music theory amongst others. Includes full text for around 140 journals.
International Index to Performing Arts (IIPA) database contains full text journals, and indexing and abstracts. Key subject areas are theater, dance, film, television, stagecraft, musical theater, performance art, pantomime and opera.
Search all ProQuest databases simultaneously: ProQuest Central (multidisciplinary, includes ABI/INFORM), Music Periodicals Database, Performing Arts Periodicals Database, Ebook Central.
Information source from the fields of medicine, natural sciences, engineering, economics, environmental science, arts, humanities and social sciences. Includes reference information and e-journals.
Metropolian kirjasto- ja tietopalvelut | Saavutettavuusseloste